Вы забанены в VALORANT; Код ошибки 61

Код ошибки 61 валорант бан

Мы надеемся, что все агенты будут соблюдать установленные правила. Сражаться в соревновательных боях интереснее, когда все следуют принципам честной игры, поэтому наши системы отмечают всех нарушителей. Далее приводится список примеров поведения, которые могут повлечь за собой бан в VALORANT.

Поведения на поле боя Valorant

За особенно серьезные нарушения вы будете забанены навсегда. За менее серьезные проступки вы получите ограничение, блокирующее использование текстового и голосового чата на 72 часа (при этом вы по-прежнему сможете играть в VALORANT).

Вы помните, что при первом запуске VALORANT согласились с правилами сообщества? Существуют различные слова и выражения, произносить которые непозволительно в приличном обществе (а тем более при выполнении важной миссии), тем более что они нарушают эти самые правила. Если мы обнаружим одно из подобных выражений (в текстовом или голосовом чате), вы будете автоматически забанены во всех игровых чатах на 72 часа.

Я надеюсь, что в случае блокировки вы используете проведенное в молчании время на то, чтобы хорошенько подумать о том, как лучше общаться с союзниками и противниками.

⛔ Повторные нарушения повлекут за собой полный бан, после чего вы не сможете играть. Еще раз напомню, что достойное поведение агентов для нас крайне важно.

Меня ни за что забанили в Valorant

Если вы уверены, что никаким образом не нарушили правила поведения, вы можете обратиться в службу поддержки. Для этого нужно/отправить запрос с помощью функции в нижней части страницы.

valorant error 61 explained

Cheating and otherВ dishonorable behavior while playing Valorant will result in players getting banned. When this happens, error code 61 will appear on the screen. This is a fair measure to ensure that everybody gets a fair chance at winning the match and enjoys a polite environment.

What does error code 61 mean?

Valorant error 61 indicates you have been sanctioned or banned from the game for violating the honest behavior Riot expects from players and Agents.

What actions could get you banned from Valorant?

There is a wide range of dishonest actions and Community Code breaches that may result in players getting banned from the game, including chat-related offenses, chargeback problems, fraudulent actions, and more.

You could be banned for repeated or severe breaches of the Community Code accepted when first entering VALORANT, as well as any detrimental behavior or programs. We are taking strict action against violations including, but not limited to: continual text-based or verbal abuse of teammates and/or opponents, hate speech, sexism, racism, threats of real-life violence, and the rampant griefing and/or assisting of the enemy team. A ban may also be implemented for scripting, fraudulent behavior, or chargeback issues.

Communication and teamwork are key elements in Valorant. Use the chat feature to communicate with your teammates and build a better game strategy together. Always be polite and respectful towards all the other players. Treat your enemies with respect and use your skills and wits to win the matches, not cheating and dishonest actions.

How long do Valorant bans last for?

Minor offenses such as verbal abuse, the use of hate speech will result in aВ 72-hour restriction whereby gamers are unable to use text and voice chat. During this 72 hour period, they will still be able to play Valorant.

Repeated offences will result in a complete ban whereby the respective players will be completely blocked from playing the game.

Major offenses such as repeated cheating, buying of accounts and so on will result in a permanent ban.

Make sure your Agents always act appropriately to avoid any restrictions or permanent bans. Remember, Valorant is just a game and having fun while playing it should be a top priority for everybody. Don’t use the game to vent out your frustrations.

I got banned from Valorant but I didn’t do anything

If you believe the ban is a mistake and you did not break the Community Code or engage in inappropriate behavior, submit a ticket to Riot’s support team and they’ll take a deeper look at your account.

Learn more about Valorant’s Community Code

If you play by the rules and you’re always polite, there is nothing to worry about. As Riot says,  obey the platinum rule – Treat others as they wish to be treated. If you don’t know, ask.

Here’s what actions Riot won’t tolerate from players:

Never use hateful or abusive language. We do not tolerate derogatory comments on any player’s gender, race, sexual orientation, age, mental or physical abilities, religious affiliations, or country of origin.
вњ — Don’t make jokes about people. People aren’t punchlines.
вњ — Threats of any kind are unacceptable in VALORANT. Intent doesn’t matter here, and it’s on you to know your audience if you think it’s “just a joke. ”
вњ — Don’t expect someone to “toughen up” over your language. If you upset someone, own it and do better next time. Respect people’s boundaries.
вњ — Avoid blasting comms channels with background noise, music, or spam.


Don’t call for mass reports or pull teammates into an argument. One report is enough to let us know something’s happening.
вњ — Don’t let someone bring you down to their level. If a player is harassing you, often it’s better to disengage than to “fire back. ” It takes two to keep a fight going.

Never run third-party programs that interfere with gameplay. We expect you to exercise caution and good judgment here.
вњ — Don’t share personal information with strangers. Also, don’t share anyone else’s information. We have a zero tolerance policy for doxxing on our platform.
вњ — Do not impersonate anyone. In particular, don’t impersonate Rioters or highly visible players.
вњ — Avoid queueing up for one more when you know you’re tilted. Take breaks, and recognize when you’re getting frustrated.


https://play-valorant. ru/valorant-ban-kod-oshibki-61/

https://bestgamingtips. com/valorant-error-61/

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