How to Fix GTA V Social Club Failed to Initialize (Error Code 17)

Gta 5 код ошибки 17

In case the Error Code 17 occurs due to a failure in loading the Social Club application originating from a local glitch, you should be able to fix the issue by resetting the entire collection of GTA V game settings.

Although the majority of affected users have confirmed that this operation ended up fixing the issue, keep in mind that this will end up rolling back all player settings to the default values. This includes any custom settings for Graphics, Sound, Controls, and even Story Mode Cloud Save settings.

If you are prepared to go this route, follow the instructions below to reset your GTAV game settings and resolve the Social Club Failed to Initialize (Error Code 17):

See if you’re still encountering the Social Club Failed to Initialize (Error Code 17) and if you are, move down to the next method below.

Whitelisting Social Club in AV Suite (if applicable)

In case you’re using a 3rd party security suite on the computer where you’re encountering the Social Club Failed to Initialize (Error Code 17) issue, you should investigate whether or not your AV is overreacting.

As it turns out, some affected users are reporting that in their case, the 3rd party suite ended up blocking the communications between Social Club and the Rockstar game’s server, which ended up preventing the game from launching.

In most cases, this problem is reported to occur with AVG antivirus. If this scenario is applicable, you should be able to fix the issue by creating an exception in your AV settings excepting the main Social Club executable from any type of AV scans.

A more radical solution is to simply uninstall the overprotective 3rd party suite and use Windows Defender or a more lenient 3rd party suite.

In case you want to keep your current AV suite, go to your AV settings and whitelist the following locations:

Note: The steps of doing so will be different depending on the 3rd party suite that you’re using.

In case you don’t know how to whitelist locations in your AV settings or you simply want to go the easy route, follow the instructions below to uninstall your AV suite completely and eliminate any interference with the Social Club executable:

In case the same problem is persisting, move down to the next potential fix below.

Changing Steam Profile name (if applicable)

As it turns out, if you’re trying to launch the game through Steam, one other reason that might end up causing this problem is an inconsistency with your Steam name. For some weird reason, Social Club is known to cause the Social Club Failed to Initialize (Error Code 17) error if the Steam account contains special characters.

A lot of affected users have confirmed that the problem was fixed and the game no longer crashed after they accessed their Steam settings and cleaned any special characters from their Steam name. Changing the Steam profile name can be done directly from your Profile section by clicking on Edit Profile.

Editing the Steam profile name

After you manage to clean any special characters from your Steam name, restart the game and see if you’re able to boot normally.

Running Social Club with Admin Access

One other potential problem that might cause this GTA V error is a failure to call upon the Social Club component (subprocess. exe). In the vast majority of reported cases, this problem will end up occurring because Social Club doesn’t have the right to open with admin access (which it needs).

If this scenario is applicable, you will be able to fix the issue by accessing the Social Club folder (typically located in Program Files x86 folder) and open subprocess. exe with admin access before actually launching the game.

Try this fix out by following the instructions below and see if it manages to fix the issue in your particular scenario:

In case this potential fix didn’t work for you, move down to the next potential fix below.

Setting the Correct Time & Date (if applicable)

As it turns out, another fairly popular reason that will end up breaking the launching sequence of GTA V on PC is a severely outdated date & time. The Social Club launcher runs a background check to see if the date & time of the server matches the end user’s date & time. If the two don’t match, you might expect to see the Social Club Failed to Initialize (Error Code 17) error.

In case this scenario is applicable, follow the instructions below to ensure that your date & time are not severely outdated:

Note: In case you keep modifying your date & time to the correct values but you notice that they keep reverting, consider replacing the CMOS battery on your motherboard.

In case the same error message is still occurring, move down to the next potential fix below.

Installing Service Pack 1 (Windows 7 Only)

As confirmed by a lot of affected users, GTA V needs the Service pack 1 update to be able to run on Windows 7. If you’re using Windows 7, you will need to ensure that your operating system is updated with the latest support level.

If this scenario is applicable, follow the instructions below to install the latest platform update for Windows 7 and see if this ends up fixing the issue for you:

Downloading the appropriate platform update version

Note: If you’re not sure which OS architecture you have, right-click on My Computer, choose Properties, then check the System Type to view your system architecture.

Using Registry Editor to Change the ProgramFilesDir

In case you have Social Club and the main GTA V game installed on different hard drives, you might expect to see the Social Club Failed to Initialize (Error Code 17) error because a registry key is making it hard for the main GTAV executable to call upon the social club component.

If you only play single-player and you don’t care about any Social Club feature, you can fix this issue (without installing both GTA V and social club on the same hard drive) by modifying the path in ProgramFilesDir to the game installation.

Follow the instruction below to perform this modification with Registry Editor:

Как исправить ошибки в лаунчере Social Club для GTA 5 на PC

Ошибки лаунчера Social Club

Ошибки лаунчера Social Club

Проверьте целостность Steam-кэша (только для Steam-версии игры)

Запустите GTA V как администратор

Все зделал по инструкции и все равно выдает “Прекращение работы программы GTAVLauncher. exe”

Что еще посоветуете.

Все перепробовал, все делал из предложенного – ничего не помогло. На этапе загрузки Social club выскакивает ошибка лоунчера и все.

Тоже выдает что прекращена работа Launcher что делать

“наиболее распространенная причина этих ошибок – некорректная установка Social Club пользователем”
не шутите так) как можно его неправильно установить, если он ставится автоматом.
проблема в том, что он криво ставится сам, спасибо разрабам

такая же хрень. 2 рубля на ветер походу. уже все попробывал, даже монитор протер. все бестолку

Попробовал пишется через О, что за поколение Ы, бесите

У меня стимовская версия игры, и я в папке с игрой не могу найти файл PlayGTAV. exe, где его найти?

Когда я начинаю играть и в загрузке мне пишет нажмите home что бы открыть social club я нажимаю нечего не происходит

После входа в Сошиал Клаб клиент крашится. Написано: “

Игра не работает, социал клаб пишет что профилактические работы. А друг за стенкой играет. Не заходит даже в сюжетку, сайты рокстаровские не открывает. Что делать подскажите?

мне помогло! при запуске из стима появлялось окно социал клуб и тут же пропадало — игра не запускалась, сделал как написал серега, все заработало! Спасибо!

что делать, у меня пишет код не подходит?

что делать? пишет в social club код не подходит

Ошибка при активации?

Было сначала все нормально, но потом появилась такая проблема.
Утро. Решил поиграть в Gta Online прошла авторизация в Social Club, включилась сама GTA ONLINE а там написано что Social Club “Не в сети” и Online на этом не грузит и все.
Пробовал переустановить и Gta и Social Club, изменений нет.
Прошу помощи. Заранее спасибо

Таже проблема. Ты не нашёл решения?

Минимальные требования все соответствуют

Захожу в GTA 5, просит ввести код активации, ввожу, он мне пишет ” Ошибка активации”. Как решить проблему? Помогите! Купил ее только сегодня, поиграл час!

Захожу в GTA 5, просит ввести код активации, ввожу, он мне пишет » Ошибка активации». Как решить проблему?

подсоудени интернет кабелем чтобы было проводное соединение а не беспроводное!


https://appuals. com/gta-v-social-club-error-17/

https://rockstargame. su/faq/kak-ispravit-oshibki-v-launchere-social-club-dlya-gta-5-na-pc/

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