How To Fix Event ID 7031 or 7034 Error When The User Logs Off Windows 10

Ошибка код события 7031

The Event ID 7031 or 7034 is triggered by OneDrive and by the module OneSyncSvc_Session. This usually occurs during the shutting down of the computer. In the shutdown process, OneDrive is expected to shut down by the operating system within a given window of time. When it fails, it is forcefully closed which in turn causes these event ids.

Event ID 7031 error

Method 1: Disable OneSyncSvc

Many users reported that turning off OneSyncSvc resolved the issue of OneDrive not shutting down properly. This service is related to OneDrive’s sync mechanism and disabling it usually doesn’t affect your sync capabilities. You can always start the process back if this doesn’t work in your case.

Method 2: Modify Services in Registry Editor

Another thing that we can try is changing some registry entries related to OneDrive. Make sure that you follow the steps very carefully; changing other registry keys might break your computer instead of fixing it. You can also backup your registry before proceeding.

Method 3: Disable WarpJITSvc

Luckily, another excellent way to solve this error is to disable WarpJitSvc service from Registry Editor. Follow these steps to see if this fixes the problem or not:

Method 4: Reinstall Video Drivers

Last but not the least solution is to reinstall your video drivers from your PC. Drivers can get outdated over time and they require frequent updating to keep up with the operating system. Hopefully, it will solve your problem at its earliest.

Reinstall Drivers

Как исправить ошибку с кодом 7031 или 7034, когда пользователь выходит из системы Windows 10

Идентификатор события 7031 и 7034

Средство просмотра событий использует идентификаторы событий для определения и описания особых событий, с которыми может столкнуться машина Windows. Например, если пользователь не может быть аутентифицирован, программа может выдать идентификатор события. То же самое и с идентификаторами событий 7031 и 7034.

Причины событий с кодами 7031 и 7034

Ошибка с кодом события 7031

Метод 1: отключить OneSyncSvc

Многие пользователи сообщили, что превращение выключен OneSyncSvc решена проблема с некорректным завершением работы OneDrive. Эта служба связана с механизмом синхронизации OneDrive, и ее отключение обычно не влияет на ваши возможности синхронизации. Вы всегда можете начать процесс снова, если в вашем случае это не сработает.

Метод 2: изменить службы в редакторе реестра

Еще мы можем попробовать изменить некоторые записи реестра, связанные с OneDrive. Убедитесь, что вы очень внимательно следуете инструкциям; изменение других разделов реестра может привести к поломке вашего компьютера, а не к его исправлению. Вы также можете сделать резервную копию реестра, прежде чем продолжить.

Окно редактора реестра

Перемещайтесь по пути, как выделено

Измените стоимость услуги

Метод 3: отключить WarpJITSvc

Перемещайтесь по пути, как выделено

Метод 4: переустановите видеодрайверы

Fix Event ID 7031 or 7034 error when user logs off Windows 10 computer

The Event Viewer uses event IDs to define the uniquely identifiable events that a Windows computer can encounter. For example, when a user’s authentication fails, the system may generate Event ID. So, if when a user logs off a Windows 10 computer and encounters Event ID 7031 or 7034 error, then this post is intended to help. In this post, we will identify the possible cause of this error, as well as present the workaround to help remediate this issue.

Event ID 7031 or 7034 error when user logs off

Let’s take a look at a typical scenario where you can encounter these errors.

You have a device that’s running Windows 10 and you have an application or device that runs under the per-user service model. You log off from the device and then log back on.

In this scenario, you may intermittently receive a User log-off notification message from Winlogon. You may also see error events in the System log that resembles the following:

Note: The number that appears right after Sync Host_ may vary. For example, the text may read Sync Host_Session1, Sync Host_Session2, and so on. On some Windows 10 version, the text may read something similar to Sync Host_32613.

This Event ID 7031 0r 7034 error occurs because of changes in the way that Service Control Manager cleanly shuts down user services. Specifically, a code-handling session shutdown may terminate a process early.

To work around this issue, exit all open applications and connections before you log off or restart the system.

Microsoft is currently investigating this issue.

Date: June 6, 2020 Tags: Errors

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[email protected]

Obinna Onwusobalu, has studied Information & Communication Technology and is a keen follower of the Windows ecosystem. He runs a computer software clinic. He says it’s best practice to create a System Restore Point before making any changes to your PC.


https://appuals. com/event-id-7031-or-7034-error-when-the-user-logs-off-windows-10/

https://ru. howtobuildarocketship. com/how-fix-event-id-7031

https://www. thewindowsclub. com/fix-event-id-7031-or-7034-error

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