Fix: Rainbow Six Siege Error Code 3-0x0001000b

Код ошибки 3 0x0001000b

If Rainbow Six Siege Server is going under maintenance this error will get fixed after some time. Just check their twitter for more details. https://twitter. com/rainbow6game/

If Internet speed, network connection is fine and server is not going any maintenance then you can check by changing the server location.

Change location of Rainbow Six Siege Server

1. Check current server location and connection speed.
Go to game settings and check under “Data Center” their is connection speed.

Game Settings Data Center

2. Data Center: wja (110 ms) (Very Slow Connection Speed)

If the connection time it greater the 70 ms then their is some connection issue change your server location to fix it.

Game Setting Folder

3. Change Rainbow Six SiegeServer Location in Settings file
Under this folder this is a file called “GameSettings” open it and scroll down to the bottom and search for “DataCenterHint” change the current server location to some other location which is near to your location like wja to sbr now new settings will be



3. Now Save the File and Start your Game.

Then go to game setting and you will find that the server connection is under 70ms

This is good connection speed.

This will solve the error “Rainbow six Siege error code: [3-0x00001000B]


https://appuals. com/fix-rainbow-six-siege-error-code-3-0x0001000b/

https://www. stechies. com/fix-rainbow-six-siege-error-code-30x00001000b/

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